“Five Minutes With” Alt. R&B musician, ZENON

ZENON is an Alt. R&B musician who plays keys, guitar and delivers smooth, powerful vocals with plenty of soul. An active musician and engaging performer, recipient of the 2022 YYCMA Solo Artist of the Year Award and last year the 2021 YYCMA Prophets of Music Emerging Artist Award. With two recent releases Smoke In My Lungs, their third single; also featured on ZENON’s debut EP titled GENRE Z (pron. Zee). This talented Calgary musician is thrilled their sound is so well received and their new releases coincide with such an exciting time in their career! Learn more by visiting their website or downloading the onesheet.



ZENON (pronounced Zen-un)


Alt. R&B/Soul/Jazz


2019 – After college, I came back home and my plunge into the local music scene started

# of Albums:

I released my debut EP in addition to releasing 3 solo singles and 5 collaborations.

Latest Album:

My latest or should I say my debut EP GENRE Z is a six-song EP that explores the breadth of R&B; the title GENRE Z is about musical inclusiveness where you will hear diverse time signatures, captivating lyrics, bold rhythms and the intentional use of space, all distinct to my music style.

Latest Single:

My latest single dropped the week before the EP and is titled Smoke In My Lungs – this song is sexy & breathy, breathing you in then sighing you out, it’s about partying when I was in college in the US.

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

Christina Aquilera

Favourite musician now:

Brittany Howard

Guilty pleasure song:

Edge Of Desire by John Mayer

Live show ritual:

Sipping on honey to coat the throat

Favourite local musician:

TAYLR, they are a great singer/songwriter

EP or LP?:

As a fan, I mainly have LPs in my music collection. As an artist though, making a first EP, I feel as if I don’t know all the good and bads, but in the music world we live in an EP just feels right for where I am in my career. I have lots of songs I’ve written and if my music continues to be well received on a broader level I would like to experience making an LP too.

Early bird or night owl?

Both and neither, it really depends on the day

Road or studio?

If this is about live vs studio, oh yeah Live all the way. I feel I sound better live, it has nothing to do with production, it’s just the vibe of “performance” and how it makes me and the audience feel, although studio is really cool too – You feel like a pro musician, being in studio and all.

Any shows or albums coming up?

I will be performing in my duo ZENON+ on February 11 at Olympic Plaza at 6 pm during Blockheater 2023, we will perform unreleased music and the songs from GENRE Z, which will soon be out on vinyl, so exciting!

Where can we follow you? 

Instagram | Facebook


Rapid Fire Calgary Qs

Favourite local restaurant:

Wow, that’s a tough one, probably Happy Veggie House, the food is so good

Favourite street in your city:

Centre St. North because I can get ramen and thrifting at the same time

Favourite park in your city:

Stanley park, not sure why it’s just a great park

Favourite music venue in your city:

That’s a very hard question there are too many but Studio Bell’s is amazing and their sound is great

Favourite music store in your city:

A Pratt Guitar and Strings – they moved from 16th Ave, they are amazing and so is their cat



About Demian Vernieri 633 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.