I met Richard Young back in 2008, where we were both actors in a South Asian-Canadian comedic play. We were both starting our artistic careers, both having ditched our more traditional jobs to have a go at this “acting thing”.
During the next twelve years, we both focused on television and film, sometimes auditioning against each other for the same role! But there has only been camaraderie between us as we leaned on each other and celebrated our successes.
Richard is a consummate professional: diligent with his preparation, analyzing with his sharp mind, savvy with his networking, and chock full of work ethic. But either through the nature of acting (or maybe me rubbing off on him), he now lets more people into his big heart. He cares deeply for his fellow artists, volunteering on many inclusion initiatives and working for the ACTRA union to help make this arts industry more fairer.
Richard is funny, intelligent and talented. He started off as my colleague, but now I call him brother.
— Gabe Grey

What ‘hood are you in?
I live in Toronto, but when I’m working in Calgary, I stay with my Aunt in Killarney. Since theatre rehearsals are six days a week, I don’t get to see the neighbourhood as much as I want to. But highlights are: the Killarney Aquatic and Recreation Centre to start my day and wake me up, Jeannie’s Pizza Pantry to feed me some of the best pizza I’ve ever had, and the many asymmetric, modern design, futuristic cabin-like houses that dot this area.
What do you do?
I’m an actor and screenwriter. A little more than a decade ago, I switched out of a marketing career to pursue my passion. Since then I have racked up various roles on television and film while developing my writing craft, working in television writers’ rooms for children’s television. In the last two years, I expanded into theatre acting and have found it immensely rewarding. Canadian theatre has some fantastic new plays, with a groundswell of progressive, intelligent people creating smart, accessible work. As well, I advocate for the arts as a national councillor for ACTRA, the Canadian screen performers’ union.
What are you currently working on?
I’m acting in the World Premiere of “Men Express Their Feelings”, a comedic play “about culture, hockey, relationships and sex”, produced by Downstage and going up at Calgary’s Arts Commons (Big Secret Theatre). This play delves into the positives of negatives of masculinity in a smart and laugh-out-loud way, so I can’t wait for the world to see it. It runs from March 5th to March 15th.
Where can we find your work?
You can find me on IMDb but if you want something a touch more personal, you can find me chronicling my arts adventures, along with my eating adventures and exploring adventures, on Instagram.