“Five Minutes With” rising Pop singer and songwriter, Jennie Harluk

Jennie Harluk is a rising Pop singer/songwriter from Calgary Alberta. As a YYC Music Award Winner of Pop Recording of the Year, Jennie Harluk has worked with producers across Canada and the United States, curating a collection of songs set to release in her debut EP this coming fall. Her Debut single “Blame it on Me” has reached audiences worldwide, followed by her other tracks ‘The Fool’, ‘Just Like That’ and ‘Be Your Friend’ which have gained viral traction on social platforms such as TikTok. Jennie is currently a Featured Artist on this year’s First Up with RBCxMusic roster, a program dedicated to emerging artists. Her music is available on all streaming platforms and fans can find her on social media for inside access, insight and input on her musical creation and projects.

Jennie Harluk


Jennie Harluk



Latest Single:

My last single was ‘Just Like That’ in December 2021, but I’m very excited to be releasing my newest single ‘Party For Two’ very soon!

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

Some of my favourites growing up were primarily Country singers because that’s what my parents played! I loved Carrie Underwood, Shania Twain and Faith Hill – just a few favourites!

Favourite musician now:

Now as I’ve found my own taste, style and love for other musicians – some of my favourites include fellow Canadians Lennon Stella and JP Saxe, but I also love Conan Gray, Olivia Rodrigo, and Holly Humberstone to name a couple!

Guilty pleasure song:

Always will be ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ by Journey. Never not going to love that song!

Live show ritual:

Live shows are finally coming back which is really exciting, but honestly, I don’t have a ritual! I guess we’ll see what happens when getting back into the groove of performing 🙂

Favourite local musician:

There are so many great musicians in Calgary, some that I’m lucky to call friends! But some awesome names are Marcus Trummer, Elle McAndrews, Jared Daniel & Liz Christensen. This city is filled with great art and talent!

EP or LP?

Definitely LP, more music the better 🙂

Early bird or night owl?

Night owl!

Road or studio?

I’m a Homebody … studio!

Any shows or albums coming up?

I’m very excited to be announcing my first summer single “Party For Two” – I’m really proud of this song and it just makes me feel so bubbly and happy and I hope that translates to listeners! I’m in the works of releasing my debut EP and I want fans involved! You can vote and Interact with aspects of the EP which is really exciting… so make sure to follow along on socials!

Where can we follow you?

You can follow me everywhere under @jennieharluk !!!

TikTok | InstagramSpotify


Rapid Fire Calgary Qs

Favourite local restaurant:

A place I’ve only gone to for some special occasions but is absolutely incredible is Lonely Mouth Bar on 17th Ave. Absolutely mouth-watering food haha.

Favourite street in your city:

I’m really an out-of-city girl, but I have felt very creatively inspired by 17th Ave. Especially my favourite place Socality House which is an incredible hub for creators. I feel like especially in the summer 17th Ave just has great energy!

Favourite park in your city:

Is it cliche to say Prince’s Island Park? Because it’s the only name I know…. Haha

Favourite music venue in your city:

Playing at The National Music Centre is pretty surreal. incredible sound and venue!

Favourite music store in your city:

Long & Mcquade



About Demian Vernieri 633 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.