Homegrown Business: Jordan and Dorothy, owners of Great West Radon

We had the chance to talk with Jordan Bewernick and Dorothy Bewernick, owners and operators of Great West Radon about how they help Calgarians to live in a Radon-free home.

Great West Radon

What is your business called and what does it do?

Great West Radon.

We provide Calgary and surrounding areas with Radon testing and Radon mitigation services. We provide education and training support for many industries revolving around homeownership, sales and building. We are in the business of protecting family’s health from the detrimental effects of Radon gas within the home.

What made you want to do this work?

We originally started out as a Home inspection business and were adding Radon testing as a value-added service. Once we committed to more education and training we realized what a massive issue high indoor Radon levels were, particularly in Calgary, and decided to focus solely on this. We’ve both had family members pass away from cancer and know how devastating these diagnoses are to families. We want families to know about Radon, test their homes and help them lower their exposure to decrease the threat of long-term lung cancer diagnoses that are associated with high-level exposure over long periods of time.

What problem did you want to solve with the business?

High-level Radon gas exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smoking Canadians. It claims 3300 lives per year all of which are preventable! Western Canadian prairie provinces are some of the highest Radon exposed populations on the planet only second to Poland. We are hoping to educate homeowners on this unknown harmful gas within their homes to be able to prevent a lot of unnecessary lung cancer diagnoses.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Anyone who lives in a home that does not have a functioning Radon mitigation system. Radon gas is less of a threat in condo buildings but any home that sits on a concrete slab has the potential for high levels of Radon gas in their house. This includes attached homes, as well as walkout basement homes despite rumours that it doesn’t apply to those spaces.

How does your business make money? How does it work?

We provide clients with options of Radon testing equipment so that they are first able to test their homes. Once a proper test has been completed (preferably a test lasting at least 90 days) and levels are above a threshold that the client is comfortable with. **Health Canada recommends a MAXIMUM action level of 200 Bq/m3 and the World Health Organization, as well as the Evict Radon Organization, suggests acting at 100 Bq/m3 as that is the point at which science dictate the risks of Radon gas exposure start increasing significantly. Particularly for young children, people with prior lung-damaging exposures or smokers.

Where in Calgary can we find your profession?

We are a mobile-based business that is able to service any area of Calgary. We offer free 2 business day (max) shipping within Calgary for all testing devices. We also offer online quotes for clients who feel more comfortable having less exposure to people in their homes.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services? Give the answer as well.

Why should we choose to work with Great West Radon as opposed to any other Radon testing/mitigation companies in Calgary?

Our service is by far the best in Calgary. We have an impeccable reputation in our industry with hundreds of 5-star reviews on Google, Facebook, Homestars and are CNRPP and BBB certified. We have completed thousands of mitigations and are experienced, subject matter experts. We go above and beyond to ensure our clients are happy with the work that has been completed in their homes and are proud of the reputation we hold in Calgary. We are a family-owned and operated business and care for our clients’ homes like we would our own.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

The best part of our work is knowing what we do helps prevent devastating health effects in our clients’ lives. We are helping prevent cancer! The worst part is the panic for parents who have waited a long time to test their homes for Radon only to find out that their levels are sometimes triple of 5 times the maximum allowable levels (it happens all the time) and how upset they are about having waited as long as they did. It’s something that so many people have on their to-do lists and falls to the side (understandably so, life gets busy!) but the sooner the better to test is our suggestion!

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

Not that we hear many jokes about it, but since it is something that people are just now starting to hear about it can at times seem like a “health fad” or something that “isn’t a big deal” by skeptics. We are ok with that and understand skepticism! All we ask if that you do your own research on Health Canada, Evict Radon (research organization focussed on Radon) as well as the EPA and World Health Organization.


PAY IT FORWARD: What is another local business that you love?

Mother Mayi Hummus. A great local product, run by a super hard-working mother and entrepreneur. A testament to hard work paying off!



About Demian Vernieri 633 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.