Writing is a minor miracle for Tim Ryan. No day is the same.
Tim carves out time for writing in between practising law, training for triathlons, being a dad, helping with the household and looking after (serving?) his two household pets—a cat and a rabbit.
Most days he rises early and sneaks downstairs so as not to disturb anyone. Maybe, just maybe he’ll get some writing in before his wife appears, and starts reading aloud newspaper clips that she finds amusing or describing in detail the interaction at the bank/farmers market/work that she has been mulling over for days.
If he doesn’t get any writing done in the morning, he’ll sneak downstairs and try to get a few sentences crafted before his daughter appears asking to go for a drive to Bragg Creek or to the bookstore (activities which they both love to do and can get lost in for hours).
If by evening he still hasn’t managed to write anything, after he does the dishes and takes out the recycling and checks that the cars have washer fluid and gas in them for whoever takes them out next, he might be able to snatch a few minutes with a pen and the beat up Moleskin he has going, until the cat appears again demanding attention (or more likely food) or the next episode of Bob’s Burgers comes on and he chooses to spend time with his family and forgo, for that day, his literary ambitions.
It is always amazing that he gets any writing done at all.
-Written by Stacy Petriuk, wife

Which ‘hood are you in?
What do you do?
I am a writer, lawyer, dad and husband
What are you currently working on?
I am currently getting close to finishing my second novel, Young Man of the World. I have one chapter that is giving me the yips a bit (I’ve written about four versions). I am also working on a blog novel, Nico 1-2-3 that will start being available on my website in May of 2023. The idea with the blog novel is that a new chapter/section will get posted every month.
Where can we find your work?
I’ve been published in a number of locations including The Write Launch, Alberta Views, Prometheus Dreaming and Chaleur Magazine. A full list of my works can be found on my website, and my debut novel, East Grand Lake, is available for pre-order now from the University of Calgary Press.