“A Day in the Life” with Calgary Ceramic Artist Quin Cheung

In 1999, Quin Cheung embarked on her clay journey when she enrolled in her first wheel-throwing pottery class. Instantly captivated, she fell in love with the art form. However, pottery had to take a backseat as Quin and her husband Dave found immense success with their international wedding photography business, DQ Studios. Together, they travelled the world, capturing beautiful moments from weddings and imparting their photography expertise through teaching in various countries like India, Thailand, Spain, the Caribbean, Argentina, Germany, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and across North America.

Over 15 years passed, during which Quin’s passion for pottery remained unyielding. Now, she is carving out space once more to share her love for this craft.

Quin’s pottery creations are a labour of love, made in small batches with meticulous care. Each piece is carefully thrown, trimmed, glazed, and fired to perfection. Her primary goal is to craft exquisite and functional vessels that not only satiate appetites but also nourish hearts with love. Each item bears her logo and a meaningful verse that anchors her daily practice: “So whether you eat, drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” – 1 Cor 10:31.

Quin Cheung
Today happens to be a day throwing at my wheel. It always starts with prepping and wedging balls of clay.
Quin Cheung
My plan for this day is vases. I’m working with porcelain made in Canada, one of my favourite clays to work with.
I have a pottery dog… she is a sweet ball of fuzz who loves eating my clay scraps and sleeping in the sunny spots of my studio.
Wiring off the finished piece.
This is my wall of shelves that hold work in progress. I love it when the shelves are empty because it means I have a blank slate to fill them up again.
Plenty of coffee/tea breaks and puppy snuggles.
Quin Cheung
The vases will fire up to look something similar to this.
Quin Cheung
I also love shooting my pieces in creative ways in the studio. That’s for another day!


Which ‘hood are you in?

My studio is located in a tiny corner of my home in northwest Calgary. My wheel sits in the corner of the room and my wedging table is in the opposite corner. I have one wall of shelving where I store/dry my work in progress and another wall dedicated to finished work (which ends up being mostly off-pieces or sentimental attempts that I hope to revisit one day). Downstairs in my furnace room, I have a kiln and additional shelves for storage.

What do you do?

I’m a full-time ceramic artist who stumbled upon this fascinating art form around 5 years ago in an effort to build roots in her own city after retiring from an 18-year stint as a destination wedding photographer. It was love at first throw and I never looked back. I still take photographs for random commercial shoots, but most of my days are spent covered in clay.

What are you currently working on?

Constantly working on shapes and forms that challenge and push my artistic and physical limits. Currently, I’m excited to be a part of a new modern art gallery opening in Edmonton called MAUD Gallery (Modern Art UnDiscovered). Also working on some personal projects that include collaborating with other artists including a kintsugi artist and my son, a talented artist himself who will be painting his art on a series of my vases.

Where can we find your work?

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Starting Sept 2023, my work will be available at MAUD Gallery in Edmonton, AB.


About Emilea Semancik 149 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: