Starpainter exists in the neatly carved out spaces between rock and country and pop. They are distantly familiar, like a newly met cousin, but distinctly shiny and new. They wear their influences on their sleeves, with pride, showcasing strong songwriting and an affinity for classic folk and rock. They’ve created a record that is representative of a modern, new era of alt-country: a two-step here, a ballad there, a radio-worthy chorus in between. On “Bury Me By My Family”, they have constructed a narrative of beauty, love, fear, and loss without seeming either too sweet or sorrowful. The songs are steeped in the tradition of prairie-born artistry with a pop sensibility that defies their youth. What it all comes down to is a carefully curated collection of fine songs that set them up for regular rotation for years to come.

Name: Starpainter
Genre: Folk Rock
Founded: 2019
# of Albums: One (so far!)
Latest Release: Bury Me By My Family
Latest Single: Cemetery
Latest Video:
Favourite Local Restaurant?
Native Tongues Taqueria
Favourite band as a teenager?
The Tragically Hip (still love them)Hey
Favourite band now?
Guilty Pleasure Song?
You’re Still the One by Shania Twain–not that I feel especially guilty about loving this tune. One of the best! We covered this one a bit last year.
Live Show Ritual?
Handwriting setlists pre-show. If we’re outta town we usually hit up record stores and bookstores during the day and chill outside if it’s nice.
Favourite local artist?
Hard to choose — Bailey Kate, Brenna Lowrie, Skinny Dyck, Wyatt C. Louis, Lab Coast, Scratch Buffalo, Miesha & the Spanks, Samantha Savage Smith, Mariel Buckley, Chad Vangaalen and so many more.
Nose Hill or Fish Creek?
Fish Creek
EP or LP?
Full length records! Especially in physical form.
Early bird or night owl?
We’re mostly night owls, except Tyson who wakes up early and writes every day!
Road or studio?
Hard choice — we’re in love with recording and with playing shows too. Really missing driving around playing shows so I’ll say road.
Where can we follow you?
Everywhere! Bury Me By My Family is on all the streaming platforms + you can get records, CDs, and shirts via Bandcamp. If you want to follow our social medias we are @StarpainterBand on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Any shows or albums coming up?
We’re starting in on recording a new EP called Blood in the Snow as soon as Covid restrictions allow–we have a whole bunch of new songs and we’re really excited to start sharing some of them soon.