Five Minutes With: Calgary Indie Rock Band The Muster Point Project

Created by Kevin Franco, The Muster Point Project (TMPP) blends diverse influences and instruments, including mandolin, horns, and guitar. For “Don’t Give Me Anything,” Franco enlisted Sterling Laws (percussion), Robin Hatch (keys), and Odighizuwa Patience (backing vocals). The song, produced by Darryll McFadyen, showcases Franco’s multi-instrumental talents.

The Muster Point Project


Kevin Franco – The Muster Point Project


Indie Rock



# of Albums:

2 Albums, 2 EPs

Latest Album:

Ship to Shore EP

Latest Single:

Don’t Give Me Anything

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

The Rolling Stones

Favourite musician now:


Guilty pleasure song:

I Don’t Feel Like Dancing by The Scissor Sisters

Live show ritual:

Working on one

Favourite local musician:

Went West

EP or LP?

Long Play!

Early bird or night owl?

Night Owl (seriously, has any musician answered early bird?)

Road or studio?

I’m at home in the studio.

Any shows or albums coming up?

The first three songs of our upcoming album “It Was Here He Received His Formal Education” are on streaming services now, the most recent is Don’t Give Me Anything, a song about my failed tech startup.

Where can we follow you?

Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | TikTok


Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

Spolumbos for lunch, Himalayan for Dinner

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

Stephen Avenue, because it’s a pedestrian mall with very few cars, you can walk from pub to pub, explore many shops and there’s usually some live music playing on the street.

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

Fish Creek Provincial Park, because of the many bike trails and natural areas, also it’s massive and you can spend the whole day there!

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

The Jubilee Auditorium, nothing but great memories from that venue, Steve Earle, John Hiatt, BB King, Wilco twice and countless others.

What is your favourite music store in your city?

Do I have to pick one? Melodiya Records, Blackbyrd Myoozik and Sloth Records.