“A Day in the Life” with content creator and filmmaker, Shaun Crawford

Shaun Crawford is a content creator and filmmaker / father-husband-recovering addict-flip flop wearer-XR content creator-lover of the colour yellow-dreamer who often stares longingly out windows. Fortunately, such an identity has ushered his magic realism films to screens of all sizes on multiple platforms and film festivals around the world. Shaun is on a quest to enchant filmgoers around the world through the power that movies have to touch the heart. He prefers the cozy term “movies” over “films” and wonders if “moviemaker” will ever gain any traction. He was surprised to find that he connected more with the creative whimsy of Paris than the red-rich Ugandan soil but was grateful
to experience both. He has also been grateful to see his scripts reach production, including two features that received worldwide distribution. Shaun writes magic realism character-driven scripts hoping to, you guessed it, touch the heart.


Shaun Crawford
Me with my first dream come true, aka my wife and partner, and Elsa in the
background on our front step.


Shaun Crawford
Teaching my oldest daughter how to skip stones.


Babywearing my second daughter when she was born this past Spring.


Doing a 360 shoot for my dream job at MAMMOTH XR.


Chilling on my new big wheel for adults!


The reason I have a big wheel as an adult…


Showing off my new Pit Vipers to my coworkers. I’m trying to appropriate them
from their frat boy ski jock brand into the creative world. Results TBD.


Shaun Crawford
Picking up some vintage clothes from my buddy at Wild North Trade Co.


Shaun Crawford
Obligatory Beyond Van Gogh exhibit pic. Me and my girls.



Which ‘hood are you in?

Auburn Bay – I love the cookie-cutter suburbs, truly and deeply. There is no other place I feel more at home or at peace.

What do you do?

I am the Creative Captain at MAMMOTH XR where we make extended reality experiences and I am also an independent filmmaker and screenwriter.

What are you currently working on? 

We are just wrapping up a new and exciting R experience at MAMMOTH. We are about to have the Canadian Premiere of my directorial debut Here & After at the Calgary International Film Festival. And I am currently working on various drafts of multiple feature length screenplays, looking to make one myself and hopefully find someone else to make another or two. Oh! I’m also writing several true crime episodes for some networks in the U.S. – but produced out of Calgary!

Where can we find your work?

Hmm. Well, most immediately Here & After is screening at CIFF on Sept 27! The other two feature films I wrote, A Miracle on Christmas Lake and Everfall got DVD and Bluray releases. Not sure where they’d be floating around anymore. A Miracle on Christmas
Lake I believe is on Prime Video. It also plays on cable a bunch during the holiday season. And several VR experiences from MAMMOTH XR are on steam and Oculus.
Some of the 360 videos are on YouTube, including two we just did for National Geographic.



About Demian Vernieri 698 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.