“A Day in The Life” with Michele Douccete

Michele Douccete grew up in Saskatchewan but has called Calgary home for over 25 years along with her husband Merlin & their two children, Cole and Makena.

As a very active & adventurous individual, Michele Douccete has always participated in a variety of sports, obstacle races, sprint triathlons and hiking, even after having undergone multiple knee surgeries. As a result of her passion for an active lifestyle, she became a personal trainer to motivate & teach people they could still move safely, even with a nagging injury.

Michele Douccete underwent a significant lifestyle change due to a complex health issue that has immeasurably changed her life. Her belief in one’s willingness to be open to accept change & learn how to pivot when needed lead her to explore her creative side. Never having explored art, other than the occasional charcoal drawing, with a push from a friend, she decided to put brush to canvas & see what happened. Well, in just 1 year since stepping out of her comfort zone, she has received multiple awards from juried art competitions, was featured as an emerging artist with Mastrius Art Community on their blog, was accepted as an artist with a gallery & now working on a collaborative art show.

Michele Douccete
Me stepping out of my comfort zone being vulnerable and being interviewed for my video biography for the launch of my art website.
Me at my happy place in the mountains running a trail race with a dear friend. All my mountain paintings are inspired by my time spend hiking or doing activities in the mountains such as this.
Finally, me sitting in a shiny red car with a fellow artist and friend promoting our upcoming art show. It just does not get any better than this.
Myself and my husband Merlin
What a journey. Fenn was my first bear painting that was donated to an art auction with a push from a friend, sold for more than I would have ever expected and gave me the confidence to pursue painting. Now, Nova’s Call is one of the first 4 paintings I dropped off at the Art Gallery Kimberly just 1 year later.
Myself and my son Cole, and daughter Makena. Makena is going to hate this photo but I love it! Lol
Michele Douccete
My newest happy place doing what I love! Painting in my spare bedroom turned studio at home!
Michele Douccete
My part time gig as a Personal Trainer at Synapse Health and Fitness. Working with young athletes is something that I am passionate about. Teaching these young people body awareness, how to move and why we do certain movements is something I wish I had known as a young athlete.


Which ‘hood do you live in?

The best one in Calgary, Lake Bonavista!!

What do you do?

I am a Personal Trainer but have been exploring this discovery.

What are you currently working on?

Right now I am finishing up pieces for my upcoming collaborative art show with friend and local artist Rita Thorp. I am thrilled to work together for my first art show and feel we will offer such a variety for anyone looking for a unique piece of art for their home, office or vacation property. Rita’s contemporary abstracts with vivid colours coupled with my colourful, uniquely textured mountains and wildlife will have something to offer for everyone.

Where can we find your work?

Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube 

Art Gallery Kimberly

Red Door Home Living



About Demian Vernieri 633 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.