Natalie Meisner is a playwright, award-winning author, mentor, and woman who never stops. Amongst the numerous projects Natalie has on the go, she always makes time to share her wisdom and experience with emerging artists. As a professor in the Department of English at Mount Royal University, she has empowered upcoming voices and helped students feel ready to become writers themselves. She has supervised students’ academic research as well as creative explorations and supported them through the process of sharing their work with the world.
Natalie also spearheaded the partnership between Mount Royal University and Immigrant Services Calgary, bringing together seniors and creative writing students to share their love of art, communication, and connection.
Her work as 5th Poet Laureate of Calgary with the This Might Help project has been a beacon of hope and connection for poets from coast to coast. Natalie’s writing is laugh-out-loud funny and cut-to-the-heart beautiful, as it tackles those moments which can make us feel at our lowest with the grit and verve of eloquent comedy. Her work embodies how humour can be harnessed for social change and how writing can be the glue we need to stick together.
Natalie Meisner – This is a photo of the writer and professor in its favorite habitat: The Library. Specifically the MRU Library where I spend a lot of time reading and researching and also have an office where I help students and profs come together on community projects that help make the world a better place. The library is for many of us, myself included, a sacred place. I was raised by a single and very hard-working parent and am a first generation university attendee from a village on the East Coast. We experienced food and housing insecurity, and the path to university was not always certain for me. I worked, saved up for school, and dreamed about the future. But what we always did have… is the bookmobile that came to our village. The library in our town. Library cards are free and books opened my eyes to all the world and the rich diversity in it. Public libraries are, as our own Dean of the Library, Meagan Bowler has put it “houses of truth.” And the fact that they are and remain free and open access… is the most punk rock thing I know. I knew I wanted to be a part of that… and so now I am happiest when reading, writing, learning and being a mentor and a mentee to others in that journey.Natalie Meisner – Here is a picture of me and my wonderful colleagues/allies at MRU (yes, before covid) walking across the rainbow crosswalk. As an openly queer member of a bi-racial family, I have felt supported and valued at MRU. Do I need to say more about our university as a home for diversity and our sense of fun? A picture is worth a thousand words. I am honored to call these folks my colleagues and friends.Natalie Meisner – These are my books—single-authored and some that I have chapters/ selections in. I write poems, stage plays, children’s books, and non-fiction so far. For me, as a writer it isn’t about sticking to one genre… it is about finding a subject I really care about than finding the best form to communicate with audiences about it.My sons and I, out in nature clowning around.Natalie Meisner – My own mini theatre. My sons made it for me, shortly after all the live theatres closed for the pandemic. I love it so much. Since then it has been torn apart to make other structures, but I love the sense of possibility they had when they made it for me.Natalie Meisner – My writing philosophy… and personal credo. I did not come from a family of artists, nor university-bound folks. I did not fit the bill of who you might expect to become a Professor, a playwright, or a poet. I did grow up surrounded by story, fable, all the ingredients for epic struggle, and a sense that things were possible with hard work. I try to keep that beside me in all things that I do.
Which ‘hood are you in?
Most recently, the NW and I love to wonder the wilds of Nose Hill and build stick forts with my Sons. In earlier days (pre-kids) we lived just off 17th as we wanted to near the heart of the actions. We have also had some wonderful years near the gorgeous Glenmore Reservoir. By now my favorite haunts are spread through the city.
What do you do?
I am a Poet, a Playwright, a Prof, and a Mom… not always in that order. Rather than seeing these different roles that I have, in competition with one another. not to see them as competing with one another, but rather for points of connection. I try to bring my skills as a playwright into literacy activities with my kids. My sense of play into making my lesson plans lively and diverse.
What are you currently working on?
A brand new collection of poems linked to the THIS MIGHT HELP project, a new play called SUBHuman about women in the Canadian Navy who listened for Submarines during the cold war, and a new book for kids.
Where can we find your work?
You can order my books directly from the various publishers here
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