“Five Minutes With” Calgary-bassed musician, Arlyss Southin

Fulfilling the country cliché of having ‘small town roots’, Arlyss Southin hails from Nakusp, BC, but after falling in love with its western influences and musicality, she has called Calgary home for the last 12 years.

Finding her purpose within music, Southin is an open book when it comes to her experiences with mental illness.  By wearing it on her sleeve, and writing about it in her songs, she hopes her vulnerability exemplifies that outward appearances don’t represent what’s going on inside and that we can never really know who is struggling, so just be kind.

Having spent the greater part of 7 years actively working on herself, and getting help from the right team, Southin is ready to finally share what she’s been carving away at all these years and hopes by sharing her journey she can inspire others.

Southin’s first formal release, Crazy from A to Z (March 2022) was completed through the ‘Write, Record, Release’ program, powered by Rockit Vocal Studios & Alberta Music. Southin is set to release more music before the end of 2022 and can often be heard performing at various songwriter showcases in Calgary.

Arlyss Southin


Arlyss Southin





# of Albums: 

Stay tuned!

Latest Single: 

‘Crazy from A to Z’ – Acoustic version

Latest Video:


Favourite musician growing up:

Until I was in grade 8 I could only listen to Christian tapes/CDs so my experience was limited. However, I remember in elementary school I’d secretly listen to Shania Twain at friends’ houses & makeup line dances. Utmost rebellion.

Favourite musician now:  

Miranda Lambert & Chris Stapleton

Guilty pleasure song:  

‘Reflection’ – Christina Aguilera  (Mulan)

Live show ritual:  

Immune Elixirs from Freshii & Rock your Voice Podcast warm-ups!

EP or LP? 

EP, to allow for different themes & keep em’ wanting more!

Early bird or night owl? 

Night owl all the way.  (Hoo, hoo!)

Road or studio? 


Where can we follow you?

Instagram | TikTok


Rapid Fire Calgary Qs

Favourite local restaurant:

River Cafe, you just can’t go wrong there!

Favourite street in your city:

Music Mile, becauseI love that Calgary is marketing itself as the music city of Canada.

Favourite park in your city:

Confederation park because it’s not as busy as other parks.

Favourite music venue in your city:  

Whiskey Rose, hope to play there soon!

Favourite music store in your city:   

Kickaxe Guitars



About Demian Vernieri 713 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.