“A Day in the Life” Calgary based oil painter, Ray Swirsky

Ray Swirsky is an oil painter extraordinaire! His work is filled with colour and life and typically paints scenes in a realistic style of landscapes or bison and other animals. If you travel around the foothills of Alberta you might even see him out painting the scenery. Ray’s work can be found at many local art shows in and around the Calgary area with the biggest single exhibition of his work being at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede every year. He can be prolific at times and does enjoy painting just about anything and loves commission work.

Ray Swirsky
Working in my home studio on a piece for the Calgary Exhibition & Stampede
Ray Swirsky
Showing my work at the Calgary Exhibition & Stampede
Ray Swirsky
At VAles Art Exhibition in Black Diamond, Alberta
Prepping canvases in my home studio
Plein Air painting at Healy Pass in Banff National Park
Hiking up at Pocaterra Ridge, in Kananaskis Country
My favourite summer activity, camping in the foothills at Little Elbow
Ray Swirsky
Plein Air Painting at Elbow Falls in Kananaskis Country


Which ‘hood are you in?

I live in the burbs in south Calgary. I do like living on the edge of the city for its quick exit out to the countryside.

What do you do?

A full-time oil painter since the fall of 2017.

What are you currently working on?

Just finishing up three large commissions, a portrait, one mountain scene of Castle Mountain and a custom chuckwagon painting. Working on two other wet city street scenes and just breaking ground on three Alberta foothills fall landscapes. Whew! that’s a lot on the go at once.

Where can we find your work?

My work can be found at The Painted Moose Artist Collective in Bragg Creek, Paint UrArt Out Gallery in Calgary (opening Oct 23, 2021), my Website, Instagram, and Facebook

You can also find and purchase my work (and paintings from many other Calgary Local artists) at Art Match.



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Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.