Laura Laithwaite is a second-generation born and raised Calgarian. She is an avid outdoor enthusiast of hiking and canoeing in the great natural beauty of the Alberta Rockies. Laura is also a prolific and talented artist. Her love of art and creativity really started gaining momentum in senior high school with a variety of subjects. Gradually she honed her talent to the fabulous female portrait artistry (acrylic, pencil and digital) and abstract paintings we see today. Some of her earlier work still hangs proudly in our home.
Art has always been a great escape and source of joy for Laura. Being able to create beautiful images for everyone to enjoy has been a constant and safe place for her as she navigates the ups and downs of life. Through her art, she has found healing and strength along with personal and artistic growth.
It is a joy to watch Laura’s confidence and creativity grow with every new work she creates. One of Laura’s dreams is to create more beauty and healing in the world through her art. As her work continues to steadily gain a wide following and also now more local recognition.
Laura Laithwaite – we could not be more proud of you!!
Written by Linda Laithwaite (Mother)

Which ‘hood are you in?
Currently, Bridgeland! Might be switching it up in June. I will be keeping it inner-city though!
What do you do?
When I am not painting you can usually find me at work. I work as an Office Manager for a plastic surgeon by day and I also work at the hospital doing administrative work on weekends sometimes.
What are you currently working on?
Currently, I just finished 3 large portrait paintings (as pictured). I plan to start another during the holiday break. I have also been working on building my website and launching my new stickers.
Where can we find your work?
You can find my current work for sale on my website or you can catch me on Instagram where I post my painting process and all my finished work!