Five Minutes With: Calgary Lo-Fi Soul Duo Sargeant X Comrade

Yolanda Sargeant is the Queen of Lo-Fi Soul. A genre that she and her producer Comrade Evgeniy [Jay] Bykovets pioneered after not being able to find an appropriate label that fits their eclectic style. The duo infuses jazz, soul, funk, dancehall, hip-hop, as well as other genres into a unique sound that combines the old with the new. Sargeant’s rich vocals take centre stage while Comrade’s production takes you on a multi-layered, genre-bending journey from beginning to end. Add some high-profile musicians and features in the mix and you have the Sargeant X Comrade rich formula for their unique music brand, which has earned them multiple awards in 2021 and 2022.

Sargeant X Comrade
Sargeant X Comrade – Photo by: BrownBoys


Sargeant X Comrade


Lo-Fi Soul



# of Albums:


Latest Album:

Lo-Fi Future

Latest Single:

Love Someone

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

Billie Holiday

Favourite musician now:

Billie Holiday

Live show ritual:

Burn Sage

Favourite local musician:

Kue Varo

EP or LP?


Early bird or night owl?

Night Owl

Road or studio?


Where can we follow you?

Website | Bandcamp | Facebook | Spotify | Mogravy Records


Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

Our favourite local restaurant is Jane Bond BBQ

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

9th Avenue – Arts Commons, Public Library, Platform, The National Music Centre, Record Land, The Ironwood, and all the cool local Inglewood spots

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

Prince Island Park – Throughout the summer, multiple festivals occur inside this downtown oasis. One of our favourite festivals is the Calgary Folk Music Festival

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

Anywhere outside in the summer air

What is your favourite music store in your city?

Record land


About Emilea Semancik 190 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: