They say the trickiest part of ice fishing is the casting! All joking aside, ice fishing is a treasured winter pastime for many Albertans and is a way of extending their fishing season throughout the year. We’re pretty lucky to have so many fantastic spots to drill a hole and drop a line. Take a trip back in time with these historical photos of people enjoying time outdoors from around the province. You’ll notice that the equipment and comforts have come a long way, but the mission remains the same. Drop us a line in the comments and let us know your best ice fishing stories!

For another fishy tale, checkout this interview with Bow River Troutfitters about the world-class watersheds we have in southern Alberta.

The photos above were collected from the Glenbow Archives and the Provincial Archives of Alberta. If you’re interested, additional information can be found for each photograph on the Glenbow website by searching the identification number that is printed on the photo. There is also the option to purchase a high resolution copy. If you search the object number that can be found in the photo captions, you will find additional information about the photographs on the Provincial Archives website. Stay tuned for additional posts featuring historical photos from across Alberta. We’d love to know what you think in the comment section below.