Our featured Charitable Choices for this week is Treasure Life who are committed to helping children who suffer from heart disease. With a wide range of congenital and acquired cardiac conditions targeted, Treasure Life aims is to support families on their medical journeys.

Describe your charity/non-profit in a few sentences.
The Evan Ty Jenkins Pediatric Research Foundation O/A Treasure Life is a Children’s charity. We are a registered non-profit with Charity status and have been operating for over 12 years. We support children with congenital or acquired cardiac conditions. We support research initiatives, purchase much needed medical equipment and help families document their medical journeys through the Treasure Bead Program offered at all Edmonton Hospitals.
What problem does it aim to solve?
The Foundation purchases equipment for diagnostic purposes and for children to use at home so they can go home quicker which is what every child wants. We support research initiatives to further cutting edge technology to improve treatment options. We fund and deliver the Treasure Bead Program so families can document the medical journey their child endures. The bead program offers a unique way to tell medical stories that have been tremendously popular. While a child may not want to talk about their surgeries or procedures they love talking about their beads.
When did you start/join it?
What made you want to get involved?
I have attached an article from the Stollery magazine that has captured our reason really well
What was the situation like when you started?
There was a need for families to have home care equipment such as Oximeters (measure oxygen levels) INR machines (to measure the thickness or thinness of the blood, to help prevent stroke), baby weight scales…… This equipment was expensive and not available readily. We wanted to make things easier for families so going home to take care of children could be achieved sooner. We also found that children and families did not have an easy and meaningful way to talk about their difficult experiences and developed the Treasure Bead Program to achieve this.
How has it changed since?
Home care equipment is tremendously utilized.
Over 10,000 Treasure Bead journey chains have been started with families from all over Alberta and all areas of Canada.
We have funded $300,000 of cutting edge technology for the Stollery and Mazankowski hospitals
What more needs to be done?
It has been more difficult under the current economic conditions to raise funds for the Treasure Bead Program. The annual cost is approx $60,000 and we are continuously trying to be creative in our fundraising initiatives.
How can our readers help?
Readers can make a donation on our website treasurelife.ca, one time or monthly ongoing donations are appreciated through Benevity or canadahelps.org or United Way (just choose our charity in the giving option) this will be under the Evan Ty Jenkins Pediatric Research Foundation. Come and Golf at our Annual Fundraising Tournament held the last Friday in May at the Coloniale Golf Club in Beaumont.
Do you have any events coming up?
- Skate for Cardiac Kids
- Family Day
- KNRRC in Beaumont
- Annual Golf Tournament
- Last Friday every May
- Coloniale Golf Club
- Beaumont AB
Where can we follow you?