Forgotten Fire Lookout
“Anyone can see a forest fire. Skill lies in sniffing the first smoke.” ~Robert A. Heinlein Black Rock Mountain, a prominent peak in the front range of the Canadian Rockies, features a small piece of […]
“Anyone can see a forest fire. Skill lies in sniffing the first smoke.” ~Robert A. Heinlein Black Rock Mountain, a prominent peak in the front range of the Canadian Rockies, features a small piece of […]
February is here and with its arrival comes Saint Valentine’s Day. Whether you loath or love this annual celebration it has become a cemented aspect in our culture and is here to stay. Instead of […]
“I headed downslope to where the cubs were feeding and came up at them, hoping to scare them into one or another of my mining shafts for protection. It worked perfectly, as they ran for […]
When Jurassic Park opened in theaters back in 1993 it sparked dinosaur fever. The massive blockbuster, directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Michael Crichton’s 1990 novel of the same name, grossed $900 million worldwide in it’s […]
Most of the visitor’s to Sunshine Village arrive during the winter months for epic skiing and snowboarding, but an increasing number of people are discovering that the popular resort is also worth a trip in the summer. Sunshine […]
As you drive along the highway the vast prairie gives way to an alien landscape. What was once short grasses and farmland now appears to be the surface of another planet. Strange rock formations, prickly […]
When you hear the term “Golden Arches” you probably have visions of greasy hamburgers, salty fries, super-sized pops, and a clown spokesman, but what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Golden […]
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