“Five Minutes With” Singer/Songwriter Julianna Laine

Julianna Laine is a Canadian singer, songwriter and producer. Laine recently returned from Europe where she played shows in countries such as Denmark, Portugal, Austria and Sweden. Her bedroom pop sound is heavily attributed to her time exploring the music scene while living abroad and she is excited to make her debut into this new genre with her debut track “Eighteen.”

Julianna Laine

Name: Julianna Laine

Genre: Bedroom pop

Founded: 2017

# of Albums: 3 single releases!

Latest Release: Eighteen

Latest Single: Eighteen.

Latest Video:

Favourite Local Restaurant:

UNA pizza 🙂

Favourite band as a teenager:

Hilary Duff, Taylor Swift,

Favourite band now:

Alexander 23, Lauv, Chelsea Cutler

Guilty Pleasure Song:

I Like Me Better by Lauv

Favourite local artist:

I have a few but off the top of my head it would have to be Megan Dawson, Chelsea Heaslip, Mariya Stokes and Robert Adam!

Nose Hill or Fish Creek??

Fish Creek

EP or LP?


Early bird or night owl?

Lately it’s been a bit of both – with an afternoon nap (the perks of quarantine!)

Road or studio?

Studio because I am producing and there is so much room for creativity and building new tunes.

Where can we follow you?


Any shows or albums coming up?

I will have my next single drop next month. It’s called ‘Where Did All my Friends Go.’ Keep your eye out for it 🙂