
Mosquito Madness

A few weeks ago I had my first Ultimate Frisbee game of the spring season.  We were playing at Shouldice Athletic Park on turf fields, not grass, and just after the sun went down we noticed a few bugs […]


Birding 101

Several years ago during a weekend camping trip a discussion broke out between my wife and I about which species of deer, White-Tailed or Mule, we had just seen walk through the campground. An acquaintance, […]


Mystery On McGillivray

Maybe you’ve heard about the mysterious cavern on the north-facing slopes of Mount McGillivray.  Maybe you’ve had the privilege of visiting the puzzling site in person.  Maybe you’ve even thoroughly explored the hollowed-out passages that […]


Rescue Dogs

Powder hungry Canadians are flocking to the backcountry in record numbers. The sale of avalanche safety gear and backcountry permits, as well as hut reservations have all tremendously increased over the past few years. With […]


Walking With Wolves

Wolves are one of the most controversial animals in North America. Depicted as uncontrollable bloodthirsty man-eaters, wolves have long carried a negative stigma. Children’s stories such as, The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and Peter and […]


GOT Parks? We Sure Do!

Canada is home to 44 national parks, 167 national historic sites, 4 marine conservation areas, and thousands of provincial and territorial parks that encompass more than one million square kilometres.  Yet with all that space […]