Recipe for Cold-brewed Sparkling Purple Sencha Tea by MATSU KAZE TEA

Michiko Ono – President /Co-Founder of MATSU KAZE TEA wants to share with us this unique yet refreshing Japanese sencha tea mocktail for the holiday season. This is an easy-to-make cold-brewed tea steeped with sparkling water.

Recipe for Cold-brewed Sparkling Purple Sencha Tea

Cold-brewed Sparkling Purple Sencha Tea

Prep: 2 minutes
Steeping Time: 6 hours
Serving size: 1.2 L
Recommended tea: Tokunoshima Sencha – Sun Rouge
Recommended steeping teaware: Hario Kaku Bottle


  • 3 ½ tbsp or ~20 g of Tokunoshima Sencha – Sun Rouge (loose tea)
  • 1.2 L of sparkling / soda water
  • Lemon/Lime juice
  • Raspberries/strawberries per your choice


  1. Put 3 ½ tbsp or ~20 g of Tokunoshima Sencha – Sun Rouge tea leaves into a bottle (see the recommended cold brewed Hario bottle above)
  2. Pour 1.2 L of sparking water into the bottle
  3. Seal the cap of the bottle
  4. Place the bottle in the fridge and steep for 6 hours
  5. Take the bottle and swirl the tea leaves and sparkling water gently with the cap sealed
  6. Pour the cold-brewed sparkling tea into a wine glass(es). Squeeze citrus juice (lemon, lime) and watch the colour change from purple to pink! If you prefer, you can add raspberries or strawberries for extra fruity flavour matching the pink colour.

Note: Tokunoshima Sencha – Sun Rouge contains a purple pigment, anthocyanin, which is a flavonoid. The purple colour of anthocyanin can be changed to pink colour by adding acid – citrus substance for an extra-refreshing citrus flavour. This unique pink-coloured cold-brewed Japanese green tea has a bubbly texture and is the perfect non-alcohol healthy tea mocktail for any occasion!


About Emilea Semancik 180 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: