Five Minutes With: Calgary Art-Rock Band L’omelette

L’omelette weaves threads of jazz, soul and punk into colourful, emotionally honest tapestries. The Calgary art-rockers dart between progressive and reminiscent rock rhythms and synth-led dance pop, tied together by commanding, current concepts and melodies.

Frontwoman Meg Benedict’s fierce vocal, saxophone and synth stylings are underpinned by guitarist Alex Klipper’s thoughtful, driving riffs, Matthew Lowe’s infectiously melodic bass lines, and Pete Cormier’s double-duty drumming and backup vocals. The result? L’omelette. Something to chew on – a vivacious, heady, danceable, thought-provoking performance.





Art-Rock, Progressive Dance-Rock



# of Albums:

1 Album, 1 EP

Latest Album:

You are here (2022)

Latest Single:

Cool (2023)

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

Of Montreal has been a staple band for me forever. I’ve always found Kevin Barnes’s songs to be incredibly gripping and refreshing in their emotional honesty.

Favourite musician now:

Definitely Hiatus Kaiyote. Nai Palm is my vocal idol and she’s got an all star band.

Guilty pleasure song:

Nobody’s Perfect – Hannah Montana

Live show ritual:

I’m really happy if I get some yoga or cardio in before a show – anything that brings attention to the breath and gets the blood flowing!

Favourite local musician:

I’ve been a big fan of 36? for a long time, and I’m very excited to be able to announce some plans to collaborate with the band’s leader Taylor Cochrane soon!

EP or LP?

I would have to say LP – the more songs the merrier!

Early bird or night owl?

I used to be a total night owl, but these days I live a really loud life which makes me appreciate the quietness of mornings.

Road or studio?

I think being on the road is one of the most fun parts of what we do as musicians. All the fun you have and the things you learn, that’s what you bring into the studio when you’re ready to tell the stories you’ve created.

Any shows or albums coming up?

On November 10th we will be releasing Bobby Henderson Single at  The BLOX Arts Centre, #150 625 11 Ave SW – Calgary, AB. Also, on November 24th we will be releasing a music video for our song ‘Jungle Love’ off our album ‘You Are Here’. We’ll be presenting it on the big screen at the Bailey Theatre in Camrose that same night, and then we’re at the Velvet Olive in Red Deer the next night, Saturday, November 25th. I’m really excited to share this video, it was produced in partnership with Dominic Plamondon and Ethan Graves from Grant MacEwan University and features some amazing vogue dancers. It will be my second credit as editor, my first being our music video for ‘What Day of the Week is it Anyway?’ from the same album.

Where can we follow you?

Website | Instagram | Facebook


Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

I love The Coup – they do really inventive and delicious vegetarian food.

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

I’d have to say 9th Ave Southeast – AKA The Music Mile. It’s the musical heart of our city’s culture, and I spend lots of time biking up and down that strip, playing or going to shows.

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

I grew up in Southwest Calgary, biking and running around Fish Creek Park. I’ve had a lot of adventures down there, and it will always have a special place in my heart for that reason.

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

The Ironwood Stage & Grill in Inglewood. They have the best stage, sound, culture, staff and attitude towards music in this city.

What is your favourite music store in your city?

Recordland, in Inglewood! It’s the best record store in Canada.


About Emilea Semancik 179 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: