“Five Minutes With” Award-winning pop singer-songwriter, Lisette Xavier

Award-winning singer-songwriter Lisette Xavier is your average puppy-loving vegan who is probably rollerskating right now. In January 2021 she was a finalist in the Calgary RISE UP songwriting contest as well as one of 40 Canadian artists picked for the RBCxFirstUp concert series. Xavier combines memorable piano hooks, dynamic vocals and authentic lyrics. She is an 8-time YYC Music Award nominee who uses unapologetic humour to share her truth while getting people dancing in their seats. She was awarded the ‘Sound Humanitarian Award’ from the True Beauty Foundation for her countless efforts with local charities and successfully launched the ‘Pay it Forward’ Music Program in the winter of 2020. A program that provides music lessons to underprivileged youth in the Calgary area.

A firm believer in leaving the world a better place than we found it, Xavier released her custom merch line ‘Ethical AF’, which uses upcycled shirts that are printed and distributed locally. Her recent single ‘WORST CASE’ which features hip hop artist Sinzere, touches on the hardships in life that force us to overcome. Accompanied with an official video release in September, it set the tone for a new direction that has fans poised for new music coming soon.

Lisette Xavier



Lisette Xavier





# of Albums:

I’m a ‘single’ kind of girl

Latest Release:

Worst Case (Single)

Latest Single:


Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

No doubt

Our Lady Peace

Favourite musician now:

Winter > Damien Rice

Spring > Aurora

Summer > Lights

Fall > Coldplay

Guilty pleasure song:

All the Christmas music. All year long!

Live show ritual:

I write a note or letter to myself before every show. In the letter, I congratulate myself on the goals I plan on achieving. Whether the goals are monetary, emotional, or performance-based – it’s my way of putting into existence the reality I hope to find myself in after the show.

Favourite local musician:

Septembryo + Sinzere

EP or LP?

If I’m creating = EP

If I’m consuming = LP

Early bird or night owl?

Early!! I’m up by 5:30 am and love how much I get done before 7 am

Road or studio?

Road!! Tour life is my best life

Any shows or albums coming up?

Check out the recent single WORST CASE on all streaming platforms

Where can we follow you? 

Website | Facebook | Instagram


Rapid Fire Calgary Qs

Favourite local restaurant:

Tamarind Vietnamese Restaurant

Favourite street in your city:

When I’m not singing, I’m rollerskating. One day this past summer I found myself on a residential street in Upper Mount Royal and the massive trees canopied over the double wipe residential street and I felt like I was in a dream.

Favourite park in your city:

Pearce Estate Park – a hidden gem in the middle of the city that few people know about so it’s always quiet despite being inner city.

Favourite music venue in your city:

The Gateway is always a wicked venue with phenomenal staff

Favourite music store in your city:

Recordland in Inglewood



About Demian Vernieri 694 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.