ADOPTION is the bedroom new wave solo project and the main emotional outlet of self-proclaimed “local guttersnipe” Daniel Tadic. Having adopted the moniker in early 2024, Tadic has spent much of the past year bringing an idiosyncratic brand of earnest and verbose pop songwriting to various venues and basements around the city. Usually accompanied by stuttering drum machines and punky guitars, he describes his live performances as representing “a jubilant display of youthful exuberance and uninhibited dancefloor amateurishness”. 2025 marks the release of the project’s debut album, entitled You’re Adopted.
ADOPTION; Daniel Tadic
Power pop, punk, indie rock
# of Albums:
Latest Album:
You’re Adopted
Latest Single:
Don’t Take Me To The Hospital
Favourite musician growing up:
I was obsessed with The Beatles when I was six years old. Rubber Soul/Revolver era specifically.
Favourite musician now:
I’m really feeling R.E.M. right now. This answer is subject to change on an hourly basis though.
Guilty pleasure song:
Any song from Pinkerton by Weezer. I don’t know if I’d say I feel necessarily guilty for enjoying it though. The embarrassing lyrics on that album are sort of artful in how unabashed they are.
Live show ritual:
Full full-body stretching because I have the physique of a frail elderly man. Also vocal warmups, and begging anyone who happens to be present for a ride home after the show.
Favourite local musician:
Parisian Orgy, Puppet Wipes, PERRA, Pinball 1973. I like any local band that has a name starting with ‘p’
EP or LP?
I like releases that blur the line. I find that LPs which lean towards the short side, such as Pixies’ Come On Pilgrim or Beat Happening’s Bewitched, are perfect for my short attention span. My new album is only 21 minutes long.
Early bird or night owl?
Night owl. Lyrics come to me most often as I am just drifting off to sleep, necessitating that I get up to write.
Road or studio?
Studio (which, more often than not, is my bedroom). I have not had the chance to play in any other cities yet, but I would really love to do so eventually!
Any shows or albums coming up?
My debut album, You’re Adopted, will be out now on streaming platforms and CD on March 31st! It is seven tracks of verbose, dancey, punky pop tunes. Recommended for enjoyers of Talking Heads, Le Tigre or New Order.
Where can we follow you?
You can keep tabs on me at on Instagram.
Rapid Fire Local Questions:
What is your favourite local restaurant?
I really love Tibet Kitchen in Kensington. The ambience and lighting are very cozy and it’s always nice and quiet. Thinking about their pakoras and chili oil is making my mouth water a little bit.
What is your favourite street in your city and why?
There is something magical to me about the block of buildings at 11th St between 14th and 15th Ave. The architecture is historic red brick and there are usually cute dogs passing by. I have great memories of spending time with friends in the adjacent park, watching the sunset on summer evenings.
What is your favourite park in your city and why?
This answer is subject to change, but I’m in a sentimental mood right now, so I’m gonna say Lindsay Park. I had my first-ever kiss there. Also, if you motion your arms to pretend as though you’re throwing food, the squirrels will race across the entire park and prowl around your feet.
What is your favourite music venue in your city?
I gotta shout out both The Palomino and Loophole Coffee Shop. The former feels like a rock club from a movie or something. It is surreal how energetic the crowd gets. The latter has lots of niche intimate mixed bill shows. I feel like they balance each other out well, as two sides of the coin that is the local scene.
What is your favourite music store in your city?
I don’t do too much shopping for musical equipment or instruments! Random people have a tendency to offer me second-hand stuff for free. That’s how I got my guitar (thanks again Erik). I guess I’m just lucky in that way.