Sharp, self-aware, and delightfully unhinged, Mollie Risa takes life’s frustrations and spins them into high-energy, laugh-out-loud observations. Whether it’s pop culture absurdities, personal grievances, or the undeniable chaos of modern existence, no topic is off-limits. Rooted in a love for fast-paced banter, iconic comedic influences, and a deep appreciation for fabulousness in all its forms, their work bridges nostalgia, satire, and pure fun.

How would you describe your comedy style?
My comedic style is a high-energy energy optimistic look at the things that upset me! Be it being attracted to men (sadly), working in a male-dominated industry, or what the monsters on Bravo’s reality television programming are doing. Looking back at that sentence, I might just be upset by men…
Who are some of your influences?
I’m influenced by so many weird and fun things! Miss Piggy’s fabulousness, the carefree silly back-and-forth nature of ‘best friends’ podcasts (Las Culturistas/Two Judgey Girls), fabulous old women who get dressed up just to go to the corner store. I think I’m most influenced by how the intersection of passion, history, fashion, and art can create the most delicious pop culture moments.
Who was your favourite comedian growing up?
I was an SNL kid growing up, my Bat Mitzvah was Night at the Roxbury themed, so I have to say, Will Ferrell. I was also obsessed with the entire cast and production of the early 00’s sitcom Will & Grace (I will not be acknowledging the reboot thank you!), the chemistry and quick-witted nature of the jokes was fabulous! It felt very of the time when that sort of set-up punchline cadence in sitcoms didn’t feel so trite and unnatural. If I had to choose a stand-up, it would be Jeff Foxworthy which coming from me, I know probably sounds insane… BUT my family did a lot of road trips in the summers when I was a kid and the Blue Collar Comedy CDs were a staple in the van as we weaved through the Rockies on our way to the lake. I really liked all of those guys, but Jeff Foxworthy really stood out to me, I guess I’m a sucker for a catchphrase and a moustache.
Who is your favourite comedian now?
My favourite comedian now is Robby Hoffman, I won’t elaborate. Watch her special on Crave and you’ll get it.
What is your pre-show ritual?
My pre-show ritual includes Diet Coke, light stretching and quietly overthinking.
What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?
My favourite place I have ever performed is actually on Olympic Plaza in downtown Calgary across the street from City Hall. In the early 00’s and through to 2012, there was a student theatre company called Summerstock which would produce a musical every summer using a cast and crew of students aged 15-20. I was lucky enough to be a part of two really amazing shows, Hairspray and Legally Blonde: The Musical, with the company and the ability to be downtown in the middle of the hustle and bustle of city life and be twirling and harmonizing was such a delight. Because of the setting of where our stage was, we were blessed with the opportunity to use the Theatre Calgary rehearsal spaces and exposure to that kind of professionalism was monumentally life-changing for me.
What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?
My favourite bit that I have ever written is still a work in progress, aren’t all of the good pieces of art?! In essence, it is a love letter to my grandmother and all of the other high-strung fabulous Jewish women who have come before me and that is why I am most proud of what it is and what it can be.
What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?
I am an elder Gen Z, so I do find out about most new comics on TikTok but I’m not mad about it!
Tell us a joke about your city.
Calgary is kind of like your high school boyfriend, yes it was comfortable and helped you to grow into the person you are… but then you move away from it for a little bit and you discover that it’s a little racist, and homophobic, and definitely only wears that hat because it’s going bald.
Do you have anything to promote right now?
My upcoming shows include: March 30th Album Taping @ Laugh Loft, my own comedy variety show on April 13th called Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend presents: 113 Years is the Perfect Amount of Grace Time: A Comedy Show About the RMS Titanic @ Tubby’s, and the comedy wrestling extravaganza Gogo Battles on April 22nd @ Dickens Pub. Check my Instagram for details.
PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?
Paying it forward, I think you should reach out to Siobhan Cooney, Leah Scheitel, or Karla Marx.