Tragedy Plus Time: Calgary-based Comedian David Nystrom

David Nystrom is a Calgary-based comedian who first stepped onto the stage in Thunder Bay, thanks to local comic and fire chief Kevin Kennedy, who gave him a paid spot on a weekend show. That first experience lit the spark, leading him on a journey through comedy clubs across North America.

Known for his autobiographical storytelling, David’s career has taken him to incredible heights, including a surreal moment when Robin Williams attended one of his shows and asked to perform. A highlight of his career was performing at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, which opened doors to a decade-long career in Los Angeles. This summer, he stars in The Opener, a dramedy about life on the road as a comedian.

David Nystrom

How would you describe your comedy style?

Autobiographical storytelling.

Who was our favourite comedian growing up?

Robin Williams

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Probably a toss-up between Nate Bargatze & Kyle Kinane.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Go over new bits in my notes and check my fly multiple times.

What is your favourite place you have performed?

Aspen Colorado. It was for the US Comedy Arts Festival and it changed the course of my life. I got an American manager & agent, I moved to LA where I stayed for ten years, and I had huge opportunities, which I never would have had if I stayed in Canada. I love the Canadian people, but the Canadian entertainment industry is an absolute joke. It’s why everyone leaves, and once they’re successful outside of Canada, Canada scrambles to claim them. If we cultivated our talent here, we would be a global entertainment powerhouse, instead of a non-entity, which is sadly what we are.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

Changes all the time. Right now, it’s a bit about how playgrounds have changed since I was a kid. I like it because I think it’s fun, well written, it almost always crushes, and I get to do a character within it.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?


Tell us a joke about your city

The Flames have the market cornered on being best joke in Calgary this year.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

I’m starring in a movie that’s coming out this summer called The Opener. It’s about an older comedian (me) who goes on the road with a new comic. It was written and co-directed by Damonde Tschritter. It was a great script and I’m excited to see it. It’s more of a “dramedy”, in that it explores the real life of comedians on the road. Most of the stories that happened in the movie were drawn from real incidents.

Where can we follow you?


PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Jarvis Zawatsky


About Shantelle Canzanese 24 Articles
Shantelle Canzanese was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. She currently writes for the Toronto Guardian and values the freedom and creativity it allows. She loves connecting with people and getting the opportunity to tell their story. She's also a personal development coach and passionate about DIY and design. You can learn more about her at