Ventura Jones is a budding artist whose work is sure to impress. She grew up as part of a large family on a farm south of Calgary, and from an early age had a strong sense of adventure and wonder. At the age of 20 she harnessed that energy, packed her bag, and spent the next 7 years exploring over 30 countries around the world. It was on this adventure, at the age of 24, that she first picked up a paintbrush in Cork, Ireland. From that day on, Ventura has created art on a daily basis. Her perseverance has led her on a wonderful journey of self taught expression that we are all very lucky to observe. What began as a joyful daily activity has gradually become something considerably more essential to her life. Drawing and painting helps her to engage with her past, herself and the world. Her art is a fun way of exploring the natural world, spirituality, and consciousness. She uses a variety of mediums and watching her artistic evolution has been a great joy in my life. The knowledge that she has been creating art for such a short time leaves me in awe of where she will progress in the coming years. She is a constant reminder that there is no time like now to pursue what your heart desires, and that small daily steps can transform your life.

Which ‘hood are you in?
I am lucky to be settled in the amazing neighbourhood of Mission. Between downtown’s energizing atmosphere, great cafes to nestle in with a sketchbook, and the wonderful spots tucked away along the river, I feel like I never have to wander far to find what I need.
What do you do?
I have spent the majority of my twenties working and living abroad, and in that journey I fell in love with the restaurant and hospitality industry. I have been able to use it as a tool to explore the different cultures of the countries I have lived in, as well as felt connection and immersion on a deeper level in many communities. Although I would love one day to express that I am a full time artist, my extroverted soul loves working in the front of house side of hospitality. The restaurant culture within Calgary has so much to offer, and it is a perfect balance to my artistic pursuits.
What are you currently working on?
I consider myself in the very early stages of my artistic journey, and I find that reflected in my spontaneous, almost playful, approach to projects. Due to this approach, this answer changes day to day. I could feel inspired to start a bright, large scale oil painting or I could dive into a series of simple black and white one line drawings. It is not unusual for me to have five or six very different projects on the go simultaneously. As of recently, I have been exploring different expressions and perceptions of the natural world, specifically of trees and water, and I am planning out a space themed mural.
Where can we find your work?
I currently use instagram as my art sharing platform @ventura.doodles.