When engaging in self-care, the ingredients in the products you use can have all the difference. Our Homegrown Business feature this week is on local bath bomb creator, Bath Bakery! Using all natural ingredients, they make sue that your relaxing bath does your body good while smelling amazing! We spoke to founder, Samantha Laing, to learn more!

What is your business called and what does it do?
Our business is called Bath Bakery. We are a local home business that makes all-natural bath products
What made you want to do this work?
We started making bath bombs to make our mom a Mother’s Day gift.
What problem does this solve?
We make bath products that are natural and safer for you body with no harsh chemicals in them. Since we get all our supplies from a local company, we can keep our price-point down to make them affordable to all customers.

Who are your clientele/demographics?
Our clientele fits all demographics. We tend to have more mom’s, children, or more surprising men around there 30s.
How does your business make money? How does it work?
Mostly we sell our bath bombs online on social media. We do attend trade shows through out the year, but most of them are in fall and winter seasons.
Where in Calgary can we find your profession?
We are a home-based business based out of Walden.
What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services?
We always tell people to ask what the ingredients are made out of. We stick with our basic ingredients and add coconut oil as the binder compared to water. This helps add moisture to your skin.
What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?
Our favourite part is trying something new and coming up with different ideas. The worst part is most likely if our new molds don’t work out. We don’t like to change our recipe, so if it doesn’t work out, then we have to do some problem solving.
What is your favourite joke about your own profession?
“It looks so good, I can almost eat it!!” Haha, this is related to our cupcake bath bombs. They have a bath bomb base and a bubbly frosting.

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Calgary business that you love?
We love Kristine Campbell with Catcus Club Salon and Spa. She is a hair stylist that specializes in blonde and she is amazing. She knows how to challenge the envelope and knows how to do blonde very well.