
Cool Caves

The most popular cave in the Calgary area (outside of Banff’s Cave & Basin) is likely the Canyon Creek Ice Cave in Kananaskis. First Nation groups have known about the cave for centuries, but it […]


The Hermit of Inglismaldie

Banff National Park was a very different place in the early 1900’s than the world-class nature preserve we know today. Two coal-mining towns, Anthracite and Bankhead, both long since abandoned, were operating just outside the Banff […]


Legendary Cowboy

When discussing history it can be challenging to discern fact from fiction; truth from tale. Detailed record keeping was not what it is today and many stories were only passed on orally; their words never […]


Howl For The Wolfdogs

The creature had charcoal fur tinged with silver and grey highlights, bright yellow inquisitive eyes glowing among its dark coat, individually controlled ears that stood tall on top of its head; straining to hear every sound, […]


Paintings From The Past

“mahzahkahzah remembers asking for directions to indian paintings on a wall up the high canyon of grotto” The Bow Valley has been inhabited for thousands of years; long before the first Europeans arrived in the […]


Gone Fishin’

“I fish because I love to: because the environs where trout are found are invariably beautiful, because trout do not lie or cheat and cannot be bought or bribed but respond only to quietude and […]