Tragedy Plus Time: Calgary Comedian Yianni Assimakis

In this engaging interview, comedian Yianni Assimakis opens up about his comedic journey, influences, and the vibrant comedy scene he is part of. Assimakis describes his comedy style as heavily rooted in storytelling, delighting in taking audiences on wild journeys that come full circle. Although he’s still refining his craft, his passion for comedy shines through.

Yianni Assimakis

How would you describe your comedy style?

I really like storytelling! Taking the audience on a wild journey is my favourite thing to do! I’ll choose a topic like ‘Getting Fired’ or ‘Summer Jobs’; no matter what, I keep trying to come back to it so it feels full circle for the audience. I’m relatively new so I gotta say it doesn’t always work but I’m getting better!

Who are some of your influences?

Those old shows like Fresh Prince and Family Matters and especially Adam Sandler. There is just something about being able to get the audience laughing and laughing and then have a real-life lesson or tear-jerking moment organically develop. Shows and artists like that taught me Comedy can be a platform for learning as well as coping and release.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

George Carlin, Adam Sandler & all the writers at the Cartoon Network.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

That I don’t know personally…yet, Bill Burr & Andrew Shulz with a special mention to Neal Brennan I don’t think anybody does a better ‘live show with a lesson’ than Neal Brennan since George Carlin. For comedians, I know Charles Andrew Payne, Dale Ward & Benjamin Valentine are some of the hardest working funniest comics I have the pleasure to see and work with and folks like Chris Wipf and Torrie Jean are crazy good in our amateur scene as well.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Pacing around looking at my notes wondering if I’ve ever even made anyone laugh before while my lower back becomes the biggest natural saltwater lake in Canada. I have what I like to call ‘healthy stage fright’, so I can be found at the back of the room listening to what’s working, rearranging my sets and trying to validate new stuff to myself. All that disappears when I touch the microphone and I tend to have a blast, the nervousness I’ve been cursed with before shows I feel is good for me haha.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

I used to do Musical Theatre across Canada and that experience was absolutely surreal. The crowds, the music and the people made those years some of the best of my life and nothing can replace how hilarious it is when something goes wrong in a Musical in front of 700+ people. It gave me a love for anything and everything live on stage, especially the Calgary, Edmonton & old Winnipeg Jubilations theatres those places are magical. I do have to say though, CLOSE second is any show I’ve done in Banff. They feel like little international shows because of the awesome tourists and Gene Keenan and Eran Wortman are producing some serious shows out there. I look forward to it every time and it’s worth the drive if you can score a ticket.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

My material on The Magic School Bus and Ms Frizzle COUNTLESS felonies, Why I get fired at ‘regular’ jobs for saying what everyone is thinking & how Mary Poppins is a rouge Hogwarts witch who gave Hagrid her umbrella when she died, fight me. I can’t get too much into it here, I want people to hear this live so they can argue with me after! You’ll lose, I have charts.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Anywhere except comedy shows honestly. If I meet someone who is constantly making me laugh regardless of where it is I often invite them to one of our shows or let them know about all our open mics. There is a massive world of funny talented people out there doing the wrong job or don’t realise how easy signing up for an open mic is. Everyone at shows already usually knows what’s up, I like to look for people who didn’t know they had so many options. This community is great for nurturing new talent of all kinds and experience from baristas to RCMP. give it a chance!

Tell us a joke about your city.

Our Transit System.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

Every Wed at Prohibition Bar on 17th Ave we have our weekly Speak Easy Show. It features lounge singers performing Post Modern Jukebox, so all your favourite modern hits but in a jazz/lounge style from the 20′-40’s. You can find us on Eventbrite UNPROHIBITED COMEDY or call (825) 734-1920 to book a table!

Where can we follow you?

Tickets | Facebook | Instagram

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Jordi Lane, Chris Wipf, Chester Ho, Benjamin Valentine, Dale Ward & ESPECIALLY Charles Andrew Payne & Scottie Grinton. This city has some AMAZING comedians and some true legends.


About Emilea Semancik 190 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: