Maxwell Xavier defies easy classification, resonating with audiences who find his jokes brilliantly clever and delightfully absurd. Maxwell emphasizes the irreplaceable experience of live stand-up comedy, urging fans to witness performances in person rather than through screens.

How would you describe your comedy style?
I’ve had audience members come up to me after a show and say they loved how stupid my jokes are. I’ve had audience members say they loved how smart my jokes are. Often they are talking about the same joke. That’s a good place to be.
Who are some of your influences?
Norm Macdonald, Mitch Hedberg, Kurt Vonnegut, Frank Zappa
Who was your favourite comedian growing up?
I was never the same after I first saw Mitch Hedberg on TV while I was in elementary school. Even today I can still listen to Mitch Hedberg and not get sick of it. You can listen to his comedy like it is music.
Who is your favourite comedian now?
Norm Macdonald is the best comedian to ever do it.
What is your pre-show ritual?
I pace around and talk to myself like a weirdo. Sometimes I do stretches and squats and stuff. I’m moving. I’m always on the move.
What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?
My favourite place for comedy is the Ratboy Comedy Show at Verns. The show attracts some of the best and some of the weirdest comedians. It’s gotta be the best place in the city for alternative and creative comedy. Perfect balance of talent and chaos.
What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?
The world-famous fly bit. It is a bit about flies, nothing else. I can make it last all day. I don’t know why it works but it does. It is silly. It is pure. It is not actually world-famous.
What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?
You gotta see stand-up comedy live. You can watch a world-class comedian’s new special alone in your room and maybe laugh a handful of times, even though the audience in the special is laughing at every punchline. You would laugh that much too if you were there.
Where can we follow you?
PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?
Sam Benty, Erin Wood, Austin Ahenakew, Ben Cannon