Tragedy Plus Time: Calgary Comedian Susan Thompson

Susan Thompson is a Calgary-based comedian who got her start in stand-up after taking a writing class that reignited her passion for performing. A drama and art major from Langley Fine Arts School, Susan debuted at The ComedyMIX in Vancouver and quickly earned a spot on the pro-am showcase at Lafflines Comedy Club, where she began honing her craft.

Blending storytelling with sharp one-liners, Susan’s comedy is relatable and unexpected, often touching on parenting and weight loss. One of her career highlights was opening for Jeremy Hotz on his Marquis De Sad Tour, making her the first and only female comedian to do so. Currently, she’s working on her new comedy special, set to film this summer.

Susan Thompson

How would you describe your comedy style?

I’m not sure I have one style. I love storytelling & I love cheesy one-liners too. I love doing any kind of material that catches people off guard. I do a lot of material on kids & weight loss because I think it’s something we all deal with, it’s relatable.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

I would’ve been 11 & we had just moved to BC from Niagara Falls Ontario. I always remember my dad having a pretty sweet record collection. He was a DJ when he was in college & he got to interview some of the best musicians & comics. Many gave him records & eight tracks to play in the studio. I remember I was checking them out & I found a copy of George Carlin’s Occupation: Foole. I was intrigued by the title: “Seven words you can’t say on television”. I started to play it & I was rolling! I was so surprised at what I was hearing & he was clever with his writing. I let out a huge laugh just as my bedroom door opened. There, stood my dad. I was so scared that he was going to be mad at me, so, I just sat there. My dad quickly responded with, “Oh! I love this bit!” & came right into my room to listen with me. After we listened for a bit, he told me not to tell my mother. I did, of course & she responded with, “I love that guy!” My parents have always encouraged me to keep going in the biz.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

I still have a place in my heart for George Carlin. His comedy changed & matured over the years & to this day, his intelligence & wit are still untouchable. I love Jeremy Hotz & watching him interact with his audiences. He always has something positive to say to me & always offers advice. He’s so personalble & genuinely loves his fans. I love watching Dave Chappelle too. I got to watch him at The Comedy Store in LA, as he worked on material for his last two specials. Soooo many of us were trying to squeeze into the showroom just to catch a glimpse of the goat. He talked for hours about everything & anything. It was something to see–I’ll hold on to that always.

What’s your pre-show ritual?

I don’t know if I have a ritual, per se… About 45 minutes before showtime I like to sit in the showroom & watch the audience. Who’s coming in, are there parties, what are their ages, what are they ordering, etc. This helps me decide how I want to open my sets. I like audiences to all get something a little original to their show. After that, I head outside for five minutes & pace.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

I was performing with Jeremy Hotz at The Empire Theatre in Belleville Ontario. It’s a funky repurposed old movie theatre. The vibe from the venue & staff was so cool & relaxed. There were these amazing original pictures of the Beatles in the basement downstairs, which served as our green room. They were incredible to see. The pictures upstairs in the lobby all featured the venue, during their Beatles tribute festivals in the summer months. It was pretty incredible–I’d encourage anyone to check it out. All the pictures downstairs were featured in the book The Beatles in India by Paul Saltzman. He’s a pretty neat guy. I’d love to sell out a show there myself someday!

What’s your favourite bit you have written and why are you so proud of it?

I do a bit about my kids & calling social services. It’s so ridiculous because all it is is a play on words & how I deliver it. And it always kills! I always joke that as a parent, you have the as*hole kid or you were the as*hole kid, so, it’s a joke that everyone with or without kids, can relate to. It’s ballooned into quite a long bit over the years. And my kids completely approve of it. They love that I use them for material.

What is your favourite medium for listening to or finding new comics/comedians?

I love watching live performances. You can’t manipulate audience reactions & laughter when it’s live. Comedy specials are great but there edited, sound is added, etc–it’s very different. I’ll go myself, unannounced & just pay to watch a show. I’ll go to pro-ams, open mics, showcases, clubs, etc. I worked as an industry panellist & judge for quite a few US festivals when I was a club manager & booker, so, it’s something I’ve always done. Finding a fresh face at a comedy festival, booking them & watching them eventually pop on the scene is like nothing else. On some level, I love finding great talent even more than performing! I’ll follow comics from all over the world as well & I’ll watch their reels on socials. There are so many great, underrated comics you don’t get to see out there sometimes.

Tell us a joke about your city:

Well, I grew up most of my life in BC & we have the Vancouver Canucks. Vancouver has a love/hate with their team. Whenever people would shout “Who’s gonna win?!” during playoffs, I’d quickly shout back, “The Canucks, obviously!” It usually gets quite a snicker, if the fans in question have a sense of humour.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

I’m currently working on my new special which is filming & taping in early summer. I have dates being added to my calendar constantly, so, following my socials is the best way to find me.

Where can we find you?

Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

I really enjoy watching Ola Dada. I met him some time ago in BC when he came into the club I was managing. He’s a funny guy–he works hard & has built himself some great credits.


About Shantelle Canzanese 21 Articles
Shantelle Canzanese was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. She currently writes for the Toronto Guardian and values the freedom and creativity it allows. She loves connecting with people and getting the opportunity to tell their story. She's also a personal development coach and passionate about DIY and design. You can learn more about her at