Tragedy Plus Time: Edmonton-based Comedian Andrew Grose

Andrew Grose is an Edmonton-based comedian currently making people laugh on a cruise line. His conversational, storytelling set will have you in stitches. While he is away you can check out the podcast “Grose Misconduct” he hosts with his wife whom he says “is funnier than me.” We got to connect with him before he left to learn more.

Andrew Grose

How would you describe your comedy style? 

Conversational, storytelling but structured in the traditional stand-up format of set-up, punchline, tag, tag, seque, callback. Friendly, clean and packed with punchlines.

Who are some of your influences? 

I grew up listening to my dad’s 78’s of Bob Newhart, Bill Cosby and Joan Rivers. Iconic comedians that blazed the trail for all of us.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up? 

Bob Newhart. He was a master of the theatre of the mind. He took on 1000 characters without ever changing his delivery. It was like “If Bob Newhart was the captain of a battleship… this is what he would sound like”.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Other than myself? John Wing Jr. 9 tonight show appearances, a finalist on AGT and one of my best friends although I suspect he’ll date my wife when I die. At least I hope he waits until I’m dead.

What is your pre-show ritual? 

Nap, shower, smoke. Nap and shower optional.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why? 

Just for Laughs. The day I walked on that stage for the first time I felt I had made it as a comedian. My opening line was “It’s a short walk from backstage but it took me 10 years to get here”. I appeared 9 more times for JFL and I had that same feeling every time.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

“Bed in a bag”. My first major bit, which has stood the test of time. In fact, it’s more famous than me. Andrew Grose? Never heard of him. Bed in a Bag guy? Oh, I know that guy.

 What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Honestly, I’m not looking for new comedians. Dentists don’t spend their downtime looking for new dentists.

Tell us a joke about your city. 

No. If I was a singer would you ask me to pick up my guitar and sing a song about my city?

Do you have anything to promote right now? 

My wife and I have a podcast called “Grose Misconduct” that I’m very proud of. It turns out she’s funnier than me.

Where can we follow you? 

Website | Instagram | Facebook

You can also find me at the closest Tim Horton’s. If you introduce yourself I’ll tell you a joke about my city.

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Calgary comedian Sunee Dhaliwal. Clever, clean and current. Also, a very nice guy who doesn’t want to date my wife.


About Demian Vernieri 698 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.