“A Day in the Life” with: Calgary Visual Artist Tracy Burton

Tracy Burton and I have a special and enduring friendship and I feel blessed to have shared life’s journey with her for more than 30 years. She was born and raised in Calgary, however, her heart was always in the country. When she moved to the stunning foothills southwest of the city, she deepened her connection to the things that inspired and fulfilled her – being creative, exploring her roots, and her passion for the natural world.

Tracy’s art journey took wings one evening in the local café, where she asked me if she should submit her photography to the Calgary Stampede Western Art Show. My response was a resounding “yes!” and resulted in the first of many exhibits she would participate in. Through the years I have watched as her art evolved to encompass many forms. Having no formal training in the art field, Tracy’s work follows no rules and is guided only by her love of creating and storytelling, ultimately sharing glimpses into her heart and soul.

To quote Cheryl Taylor, owner of Lineham House Gallery in Okotoks, “Tracy’s work threads our natural world and shared prehistoric symbology with a deep reverence for the collective human experience that knows none of the boundaries we have created amongst ourselves.”

I hope that you have the opportunity to experience Tracy’s art, as she invites you to listen for the messages within.

-Written by Brenda Gordon, friend

Tracy Burton
I was inspired by my Grandma Connie’s old photo albums and so began my art journey with photography. One of my most popular images “Looking Back” hangs above my Grandmother’s old garden gate in my home.
Tracy Burton
Being in the Calgary Stampede Western Art Show was one of my dreams. My photography was accepted for the first time in 2008, I was juried into the Gallery with my mixed media work in 2014, and my last exhibit (shown here) was in 2023.
A peek at my dining room/studio which I admit is a little cramped. But it’s close to all the amenities, has great light, and I can let my little Buddy out.
Exploring our intertwined histories at Fort Calgary’s “Flip the Script” art show, 2023.
Art on a Naked Leaf Tea tin label! Such a great opportunity for small businesses to collaborate and support each other.
Fascinated by history, I was thrilled to participate in this archaeological dig on the Siksika Nation.
Tracy Burton
Nature is my grounding element, my muse, my sanctuary. I’m truly happiest outside with the critters.
Tracy Burton
My latest work, “Realms.” Yes, I do believe that we are on the edge of something extraordinary!


Which ‘hood are you in?

I grew up in Marda Loop before it was cool and went to King Edward School which became the amazing C-Space! I moved to the foothills southwest of Calgary in the early 90’s and love life in the country.

What do you do?

I am enchanted by our sacred ancestral relationships with the earth and its creatures and our communion with the spiritual realm. I am intrigued by history and prehistory, philosophy and spirituality. By parallels and paradoxes. By things we can touch and things we can’t. By the finite and the infinite. By energy and Source.

Using photography, paint, and elements of collage and assemblage, I explore our primitive roots and the deep immortal thread that runs through all of us as conscious beings. What has caused us to sense the extraordinary and express it through ritual and creation over thousands of years? Why do we still hear distant echoes that cross time, place and culture?

Art for me has been a life journey, a meditation, and a transformation. t is how I process this soul’s experience as a human being.

What are you currently working on?

I recently prepared for the Beacon Original Art Show and Sale, and the Calgary Stampede Western Art Show. Currently, I’m working on a commission and a new website.

Where can we find your work?

Lineham Galleries in Okotoks, as well as on Instagram for my latest work.


About Emilea Semancik 187 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: