9. Here is my workflow. After the composition is made, I precisely measure the light that falls on the scene I am photographing using a spot meter. I find an appropriate exposure time.

Here is my workflow. – After the composition is made, I precisely measure the light that falls on the scene I am photographing (top left) using a device called a spot meter. – An appropriate exposure time is found (top right). – The exposure is made. In this case it was a longer than usual exposure (96 seconds) so a handheld chronograph was used (bottom left). – After the film is exposed, I make notes on what I just did so I can retrace my steps if anything didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to be. (bottom right). This is all very time consuming. A regular photograph takes about 15-20 min in total from setup to me making the notes. It also allows me to understand the subject that I am photographing a whole lot better.