Five Minutes With: Calgary Post-Punk Band Temps

Temps is a project by David Lavoie and Aidan O’Reilly in Calgary. David’s background in jazz and Aidan’s involvement in Calgary and Montreal’s respective post-punk scenes highly influence their sound. The band aims to build versatile textures and grooves while the interplay between stereo guitars creates angular riffs and colourful chords.

“An avant-garde sonic insurgency with post-punk roots” – Trond Trondsen








# of Albums:


Latest Album:

Mid Cycle

Latest Single:


Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

Thom Yorke

Favourite musician now:

Frankie Broyles

Guilty pleasure song:

Space Cowboy – Jamiroquai

Live show ritual:

Keep my thoughts clear and focus on the music

Favourite local musician:

Jiajia Li – incredible flute player and big part of the group Ginger Beef

EP or LP?

I like the immediacy of releasing music yourself online without having to wait for record labels, art, packaging, and manufacturing. It is also really satisfying to put something more complete out but I lean EP I guess.

Early bird or night owl?


Road or studio?

Have never been on the road for real so I can’t accurately answer this one.

Any shows or albums coming up?

Working on an EP at the moment!

Where can we follow you?



Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

Class Clown

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

International Ave – so many great places to eat and Paradise Lanes is sick!

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

I like St. Patrick Island, really nice paths and places to hang out and enjoy the river etc.

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

Palomino, it’s a mainstay and we have played there so many times!

What is your favourite music store in your city?

Gotta say the classic – Luke’s Drug Mart, but shoutout to Jairus at That Old Retro Store in Inglewood!


About Emilea Semancik 179 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: