Charitable Choices: Ciara Brady of the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre

The Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre (AARC) is a transformative community of care dedicated to helping young people and their families overcome the challenges of addiction. Through its long-term, semi-residential program based on the 12-step model, AARC focuses on achieving total abstinence and fostering lasting recovery. At its core, AARC unites families, peer counsellors, and trained staff to create a supportive environment that empowers individuals and strengthens family bonds in the fight against addiction. Their mission is clear: to provide hope, healing, and a pathway to a brighter, addiction-free future for adolescents and their families.

We spoke with Ciara Brady, community outreach specialist and parent of an AARC graduate to learn more about the unique AARC treatment model.

Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre
Members of AARC’s Peer Support Team. Their work is incredible as they share their lived experiences with youth who are entering the program shattered and broken. Each member of our Peer Support Team are graduate of the AARC Program themselves. As we say at AARC, they are Hope in Human Form

Describe your charity/non-profit/volunteer work in a few sentences.

The Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre, founded in 1992 is a research-backed long-term treatment program that treats youth and young adults between the ages of 12-21 who struggle with substance abuse/addiction. Treatment at AARC is for entire families as we understand that loved ones are also heavily impacted by the journey through youth addiction. On average, treatment at AARC takes between 8-10 months. The AARC treatment model incorporates many unique components such as Entire Family Treatment, Peer Support, Recovery Homes, Wrap-around Clinical Team and a strong focus on Nutritional & Physical Wellness. Our therapeutic Recovery Home process provides a unique semi-residential component to treatment. It is a therapeutic process as families support each as they become not only a part of the solution but also a part of a broader community of support throughout and post treatment. Research shows that the AARC Model has a 73% success rate 12 months post treatment for clients living in sobriety.

What problem does it aim to solve?

The Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre offers a Unique Treatment Model that has saved Youth (aged 12-21) from Addiction and supported their families for Over 30 Years.

When did you start/join the charity? 

In 2021, we made the decision to sign our son into treatment when addiction took control of his, and our, lives. Prior to AARC, we had spent years trying other approaches and reached a point where there was no next step, which left us feeling completely hopeless. Our journey was long and painful and I am incredibly grateful for the unique approach that the AARC treatment program provides. Attending treatment at AARC broke a cycle of destruction for my son and our family. Following treatment, I began working at AARC as their Community Outreach Specialist with a passion to raise awareness around the successful, research backed treatment model AVAILABLE and ACCESSIBLE. Given my experience prior to treatment and the journeys of many families I have met through the AARC Community, it is evident that families in need of treatment are fighting an uphill battle trying to save their children. Judgement and shame play an unnecessary part on this journey. Raising awareness around the AARC Program has never been so important as time is not a luxury on this journey. We were losing our son and only AARC understood and could help us all. AARC provided something that other programs couldn’t……..time…… time to heal with dignity which is something I believe everyone deserves.

What made you want to get involved?

Coming into treatment, we felt lost and hopeless. It was a long journey to the AARC doors. As part of treatment, we were connected with other families who had the same message – ‘Why is AARC so difficult to find?’. Families are reaching desperate levels on this journey to keep their kids alive. Access to treatment should be much easier. Every family deserves support on this journey. Addiction isolates and it shames, but it doesn’t have to be that way. AARC offers a path out of the darkness, not just for the youth but for the families who are fighting alongside them.

What was the situation like when you started?

Prior to addiction, substances gripped our son so tight that it almost shattered our family. As parents, we felt utterly helpless— it felt like we were watching our son drown with our hands tied behind our backs. But this is not about us. It’s about the countless other families who are navigating treatment for youth substance abuse desperately searching for their next step and a way to break the cycle of destruction.

How has it changed since?

Given its success rate of 73% of youth living in sobriety 12 months post treatment, the unique AARC Treatment Model has not changed. Unfortunately, the fact that it is so difficult to find along this journey also hasn’t changed. Thank you for the opportunity to raise awareness in the hope that we can reach families currently navigating this journey in despair.

What more needs to be done? How can our readers help?

Raising Awareness, raising awareness, raising awareness. I encourage readers to share this information with schools, medical professionals, churches, friends, hospitals, anyone you feel may benefit from learning about treatment for youth. Together, let’s try make it easier for families to find support. There is hope, there is AARC. I witness it everyday! It is incredibly humbling to watch youth focus on rebuilding themselves and reunite with their families. As we say at AARC, they are Hope in Human Form.

Do you have any events coming up?

Yes we do!

AARC’s Miracle Gala – May 7th @ BMO Centre

AARC’s Stampede Breakfast – July 6th @ AARC

AARC’s Tournament of Miracles – August 11th @ Silvertip Resort

More information at:

Where can we follow you?


PAY IT FORWARD: What is an awesome local charity that you love?

E2R are here to give hope to those dealing with mental health and addiction issues. Our events bring people together to hear real stories and solutions from those who’ve been through it.


About Shantelle Canzanese 19 Articles
Shantelle Canzanese was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. She currently writes for the Toronto Guardian and values the freedom and creativity it allows. She loves connecting with people and getting the opportunity to tell their story. She's also a personal development coach and passionate about DIY and design. You can learn more about her at