Bean the cat needs a new home in the Calgary area

It’s always sad to see a familiar face come back to the shelter, as this isn’t Bean’s first time here. Bean was adopted out with his brother who lost a battle with cancer, so he’s been a little sad as well. However, his previous family says that he is a friendly and gentle boy, and they could brush his fur and trim his nails with no issue! He’s also an incredibly smart fellow and can sit, lay down, and even stand up (if you have the right treats, that is!). After a rousing game of tag or peek-a-boo from within a cardboard box, he’ll decide it’s time to snuggle and throw himself against you. Because he lived in a pretty busy home, Bean had some house-soiling issues. But he’s shown that he has perfect litterbox etiquette when in a quiet home with a routine that Bean can be a part of. Don’t miss out on this wonderful boy. Bean may have some quirks, but he’ll more than makeup for it by becoming your best friend!



Age: 2 years

Weight: 5.6 kg

Sex: Male

Breed: Domestic Shorthair

This sweet pet is available for viewing at the Calgary Humane Society! Interested adopters are welcome to self-schedule for an adoption appointment using our online calendar here.

About this column:

Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Calgary area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.


About Demian Vernieri 715 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.