Homegrown Business: Start 2021 Organized with Sparx Organizing

There’s always an area in our homes where we’ve let the mess overflow. This week, we spoke to Krystee Robinson, professional organizer and founder of Sparx Organizing, about how she can help us enter 2021 in a stress-free, organized home!

Krystee Robinson, founder of Sparx Organizing
Krystee Robinson, founder of Sparx Organizing

What is your business called and what does it do?

Sparx Organizing – We provide home organization to create functional and practical spaces freeing up your time to do what you love best

What made you want to do this work?

I genuinely love to organize! It gives me a sense of peace and calm in my home. Before I started Sparx I would organize as a way to reduce my stress or make things look aesthetically pleasing. I discovered that I wanted to give that feeling of calm to others and in turn, that gave me joy.

What problem does this solve?

When your home is organized you feel better. You are able to find items easily whether you’re in a rush or not – less arguments happen with other members in the home about where to find a lightbulb, everything has a place to go back too, toy clean up is made easy. We live very hectic busy lifestyles and what we can do to reduce chaos in the home is where Sparx Organizing comes in!

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Everyone and anyone! Lack of organization can affect any person of age or demographic

How does your business make money? How does it work?

We complete a quick free virtual consultation to see your space of concern and discuss your ideas & needs for the area. We will then email you a detailed quote to organize your home or you can choose an all encompassing package. We like to utilize or re-purpose as many products you already have in your home however if you are interested in completely re-doing your space (bins, containers, baskets, etc.) we can shop for all the products for you for a small additional fee – if not they are detailed in the quote and you can shop for them yourself! If needed we will even build your IKEA furniture for you! On the day of organizing, we come and transform your space to meet our discussed vision! Before we leave we do a complete walk though so that every little detail is to your satisfaction – and so you know where everything is!

sparx organizing

Where in Calgary can we find your profession?

All of Calgary! Including specific surrounding areas: Okotoks, Chestermere, Foothills Division, Priddis, Black Diamond, High River and Airdrie.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services?

Do you take donations with you?

The answer is yes! I help clients sort, categorize and purge items in their home to reduce clutter. With that in mind, many items can be sent for donation and I take those when I leave the session so it’s already taken care of for you! Plus no donations sitting in the trunk of your car for months!

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

Best part is client reactions after a space is done. You can often see the stress and anxiety melt away. I often get messages from clients after I’ve left saying they just keep going into the space and looking at it & feeling so much better! Organization is a feeling – it gives the ability to relax and enjoy your home!

Worst part is I get dirty depending on the space! If I’m doing a storage area it can be dusty and I am lifting heavy items.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

That my home is perfect! When I tell people that I’m a professional Organizer the typical response is “Wow! your house must be perfect!” when in fact I have messes and chaos just like everyone else! The difference is every item in my home has a proper home to return to. I know where the batteries are, my children know where the blocks and dress up costumes go, snacks have a spot in our pantry – it’s about creating successful systems in your home to maintain organization!

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Calgary business that you love?

PZA Parlour – I mean you can’t get gluten free pizza like that anywhere else!