The pandemic means I work from home. I get up an hour early and write. Then I close one laptop and open the other. It may have been more than a year, but books still make a great laptop stand! Daily I find inspiration in the quote from Alicia Keys, from her memoir More Myself. Imposter syndrome can take many authors over, even myself. I try hard to wear my own kicks.

The pandemic means I work from home. I get up an hour early and write. Then I close one laptop and open the other. It may have been more than a year, but books still make a great laptop stand! Daily I find inspiration in the quote from Alicia Keys, from her memoir More Myself. Imposter syndrome can take many authors over, even myself. I try hard to wear my own kicks.

The pandemic means I work from home. I get up an hour early and write. Then I close one laptop and open the other. It may have been more than a year, but books still make a great laptop stand!
Daily I find inspiration in the quote from Alicia Keys, from her memoir More Myself. Imposter syndrome can take many authors over, even myself. I try hard to wear my own kicks.