A former friend acquaintanced me with shark coochie boards. I refuse to call them charcuterie anymore. She insisted on them being as elaborate as possible, which I found boring and pretentious af. Give me any plate, some cheese and dried/fresh fruit and BOOM! Shark coochie board.
A former friend acquaintanced me with shark coochie boards. I refuse to call them charcuterie anymore. She insisted on them being as elaborate as possible, which I found boring and pretentious af. Give me any plate, some cheese and dried/fresh fruit and BOOM! Shark coochie board.

A former friend acquaintanced me with shark coochie boards. I refuse to call them charcuterie anymore. She insisted on them being as elaborate as possible, which I found boring and pretentious af. Give me any plate, some cheese and dried/fresh fruit and BOOM! Shark coochie board.