One of my absolute favorite shows I’ve ever choreographed is Naughty…But Nice! A holiday musical for grown-ups by Forte Musical Theatre Guild. It became an annual tradition and we’ve enjoyed a new and hilarious production every Christmas for the last SIX YEARS! Typically around this time we’d be starting to talk about the show Joe Slabe would be putting out a call for new and fun songs to songwriters all over Canada. Let’s all cross our fingers that we’ll get to see it take the stage for the 7th time soon! The show took home three Calgary Critic’s Awards and received the Betty Mitchell Award for Outstanding Production of a Musical!
One of my absolute favorite shows I’ve ever choreographed is Naughty…But Nice! A holiday musical for grown-ups by Forte Musical Theatre Guild. It became an annual tradition and we’ve enjoyed a new and hilarious production every Christmas for the last SIX YEARS! Typically around this time we’d be starting to talk about the show Joe Slabe would be putting out a call for new and fun songs to songwriters all over Canada. Let’s all cross our fingers that we’ll get to see it take the stage for the 7th time soon! The show took home three Calgary Critic’s Awards and received the Betty Mitchell Award for Outstanding Production of a Musical!

One of my absolute favorite shows I’ve ever choreographed is Naughty…But Nice! A holiday musical for grown-ups by Forte Musical Theatre Guild. It became an annual tradition and we’ve enjoyed a new and hilarious production every Christmas for the last SIX YEARS! Typically around this time we’d be starting to talk about the show Joe Slabe would be putting out a call for new and fun songs to songwriters all over Canada. Let’s all cross our fingers that we’ll get to see it take the stage for the 7th time soon! The show took home three Calgary Critic’s Awards and received the Betty Mitchell Award for Outstanding Production of a Musical!