I enjoy speaking with readers at schools, bookstores and book clubs. One book club I attended even made food inspired by my debut novel! It really touched me as a writer. Another book club invited me to become one of their regular members, an offer which I happily accepted. It’s such a treat being included in a community of readers who are passionate about books!

I enjoy speaking with readers at schools, bookstores and book clubs. One book club I attended even made food inspired by my debut novel! It really touched me as a writer. Another book club invited me to become one of their regular members, an offer which I happily accepted. It’s such a treat being included in a community of readers who are passionate about books!

I enjoy speaking with readers at schools, bookstores and book clubs. One book club I attended even made food inspired by my debut novel! It really touched me as a writer. Another book club invited me to become one of their regular members, an offer which I happily accepted. It’s such a treat being included in a community of readers who are passionate about books!

I enjoy speaking with readers at schools, bookstores and book clubs. One book club I attended even made food inspired by my debut novel! It really touched me as a writer. Another book club invited me to become one of their regular members, an offer which I happily accepted. It’s such a treat being included in a community of readers who are passionate about books!