I’m also an active user of the Calgary Public Library. It’s great that members can borrow all kinds of materials including ebooks and audiobooks. I love listening to audiobooks with my family on road trips. I’m occasionally asked if writers are compensated when readers check their books out of the library instead of buying a copy. Authors with books in libraries can receive financial compensation through the Canadian Council for the Arts, so never feel bad about borrowing books. Libraries are great assets for readers and writers alike!
I’m also an active user of the Calgary Public Library. It’s great that members can borrow all kinds of materials including ebooks and audiobooks. I love listening to audiobooks with my family on road trips. I’m occasionally asked if writers are compensated when readers check their books out of the library instead of buying a copy. Authors with books in libraries can receive financial compensation through the Canadian Council for the Arts, so never feel bad about borrowing books. Libraries are great assets for readers and writers alike!