All of Youth Singers’ members had a lot of family support this spring, from listening to us rehearse at home to filming us for virtual choir projects. My husband Colin is my cameraman of choice, so when we filmed in front of a variety of Calgary landmarks for our Stampede virtual choir, I enlisted him to get a good angle of me in front of the Calgary Tower (and you can see the finished product here).

All of Youth Singers’ members had a lot of family support this spring, from listening to us rehearse at home to filming us for virtual choir projects. My husband Colin is my cameraman of choice, so when we filmed in front of a variety of Calgary landmarks for our Stampede virtual choir, I enlisted him to get a good angle of me in front of the Calgary Tower (and you can see the finished product here).

All of Youth Singers’ members had a lot of family support this spring, from listening to us rehearse at home to filming us for virtual choir projects. My husband Colin is my cameraman of choice, so when we filmed in front of a variety of Calgary landmarks for our Stampede virtual choir, I enlisted him to get a good angle of me in front of the Calgary Tower (and you can see the finished product here).

All of Youth Singers’ members had a lot of family support this spring, from listening to us rehearse at home to filming us for virtual choir projects. My husband Colin is my cameraman of choice, so when we filmed in front of a variety of Calgary landmarks for our Stampede virtual choir, I enlisted him to get a good angle of me in front of the Calgary Tower (and you can see the finished product here).